Plaque can be one of the most annoying tooth problems and it’s also the most common to have. Plaque is the sticky clear foam that coats your teeth when you don’t brush your teeth enough or eat a lot of sticky foods, this can lead to you having a greasy feeling in your mouth. Plaque is caused by eating lots of thick foods, the bacteria in your mouth lives off of these fats and create a type of acid which rests on your teeth. Since plaque builds up when people forget to brush their teeth, or simply don’t do it as often as they should, it’s most prevalent with kids. Make sure to protect yourself and your kids from this unnecessary irritation with a few easy tips.

  • Make sure to brush your teeth TWICE a day, it’s important to keep your teeth clean and shining!
  • Use a soft, rounded tip toothbrush; they are helpful in getting into the hard to reach places in your mouth without causing damage.
  • Use toothpaste with fluoride to keep your teeth bright and clear.
  • Floss! Keep small amounts of food that create more acid in your mouth out.
  • Make sure to see your dentist every 6 months for an official cleaning. Call Wineburg dentistry to make these important appointments.

Plaque is easy to prevent and just as easy to become a problem. If you want more information on what plaque can do to your teeth and how you can prevent it, don’t forget to call Wineburg Dentistry and swing by for a consult.